Newcastle Archer of the Year. (NAY)
To promote a friendly, regular competition in a relaxed atmosphere in order to encourage participation in archery and club spirit.
Open to all archers ( members and archery alliance visitors) regardless of skill level.
Overall structure
- The NCAY events will be held monthly on a regular shoot day (Saturday) from Mar to Nov. ( ie 9 shoots ). They will be part of the normal club shoots except that to be in the NCAY you will have to start together – ie there will be a definite start and finish to the shoot, not just turn up and score.
- The scores will be cumulative with the NCAY decided by the best 5 scores at the end of the 9 shoots. Means you are not penalised if you miss up to 4 events.
- There will be various winners categories. These will be decided on depending on number of entries and categories, but probably winners for each of the three divisions and bow classes.
- Overall NCAY winner.
- Prizes will be chocolate bars or similar token prizes – maybe a perpetual trophy – but mainly it is about bragging rights.
- Each shoot will be structured as follows:
- a morning round
- then brunch
- then a shoot off.
The morning round score will be the one that counts for the NCAY.
The shootoff is for bragging rights ( ? a weekly “Sherrif” or some other title.)
Brunch will be provided – to be confirmed.
A brief acknowledgement of winners each month, with photos and scores put on social media and the website for club promotion.
Design Specifics
- Three or four divisions:
- Long – for anyone who can reliably get all the arrows on the target face at 70m Typical round would be a canberra, 70/720, or a 50/720 on the small face.
- Medium -for anyone who can reliably get all the arrows on the target face at 50m ( older archers with lighter bows, intermediates, barebow, some juniors) – Typical rounds short Canberra, 40/720 etc
- Short – for anyone who can hopefully get all the arrows on the target face at 30m ( occasional archers, beginners, juniors ). Only 20 or 30m rounds.
- Very Short – Come and try it graduates, young juniors – anyone who needs to shoot at 10 m.
- Note that the classes are not gender/age determined – this is so that we get to compete against each other as the club is not big enough to have separate categories for all these groups.
- Note that there is no bow- type separation either – instead there will be a fudging of scores to take account of different bow types.
- If the fudge factor leads to a score over the possible score we will cap it.
- The rounds chosen each month will have the same numerical score for each division.
For example: Long – 720 @ 70, Medium 720@50, Short 720@30
This is so the scores between divisions can be directly compared.
- Where possible regular Archer’s Diary rounds will be used; however at times we may need atypical rounds
For example one month might be:
- Long – 2 x 30arrow indoor/outdoor small face 18m(AA indoor/outdoor)
- Short – 60 arrows @20
- Medium 60 arrows @ 40
- Some months may have novelty rounds as well – eg genesis clout.
- Beginners who cannot manage a full round can shoot half and we can just double their score; Same for volunteer cooks or coaches who don’t get to complete their round – we will just round up their score proportionally.
- Archers diary and paper scoring will be used. ( get people used to this method)
The NCAY scores
- There will be two running cumulative scores:
- the raw score – is the actual raw score converted to percentage of perfect score.
This is to account for the different numerical scores on different days – for example archer 1 scores 550/720 (94%) one month but is absent the next one, archer 2 scores 550/900 (61%) the following month – if we just used the raw score would not be fair.
- the adjusted NCAY score.
Explanation of the Adjusted NCAY Score.
The NCAY score will be out of 100 each month – calculated as follows:
It is basically a handicap score that aims to balance between bow classes and skill levels so that the best archers stay on top but mix up the mid field a bit.
- Step 1) adjustment for bow type for all scores.
The raw score will be adjusted as follows:
- Recurve – remains as is
- Compound – Adjusted down by a fudge factor
- Bare bow – Adjusted up by a fudge factor
- Long bow – Adjusted up by a fudge factor.
Suggested fudge factors are:
Recurve =1
Compound = 0.93; 0.95; 0.97 – for long, medium and short ranges.
Barebow = 1.15; 1.13; 1.10 – for long, medium and short ranges
Longbow= 1.35; 1.3; 1.2 – for long, medium and short
(These are derived from a combination of looking at the differences in scores at national and club records and fiddling with them a bit. The problem with a fudge factor is that they vary with difference and skill level – so compound and recurve scores approach each other at elite levels at short distances, but the drop off in score for recurve and the other bow types is faster as distance increases and skill decreases)
- Step 2) Normalisation of score.
- the top fudged score is assigned a value in each category
- In Long – it is assigned 100
- In Medium- it is assigned 90
- In Short -it is assigned 80
- In v short it is assigned 70
- the top fudged score is assigned a value in each category
- 3) The scores in each class are distributed accordingly – so if you get half the top score and you are in the long class you get 50 points; if you are half the top score in the medium class you get 45 points etc.
Hopefully this will give a score where the best archers will always come out on top, but the best archers in a shorter class still get a chance to rival higher classes. There will always be a score of 100, 90 80 and 70 for the top archers of each division.
Overall the best long shooters are always going to get the best points and hopefully the fudge factors will even up the bow types. As the top score is always 100, if the better archers are away there is a chance for a high score from someone who normally wouldn’t get it.
After the round, there should be some sort of barbecue/brunch/ lunch as this just makes the events more fun.
The after lunch shoot off
As a bit of fun after lunch ( and to simulate match play) there will be a shoot off.
This will be the same format every week.
Everyone goes back to their target and shoots three arrows.
We call out our scores, and the lowest 4 scores are out.
Repeat until only one archer left, who is the sherrif for the week.
Variants depending on numbers may be three winners- one for each distance – and an overall winner. This does not contribute to the NAY score. Hopefully will get to some rivalries like a beginner on a 20m target taking down someone on the 70m.
The sherrif is given their badge for the month, and any personal bests acknowledged. Percentage raw score winners for each distance clapped. Photos taken and posted. NCAY standings calculated during the week and posted online later.